Title: No Such Thing As Halfway Cooks: Prodigy Cooks Up In A Bodega
Description: Last week, Mobb Deep’s Prodigy released a cookbook based on the meals
he cooked up during his three-year incarceration called Commissary Kitchen.
“In a world where prisoners are treated like animals, we made our experiences there
feel more human by how we prepared our food,” he writes. After taking a look at it, Mass Appeal
contacted P and asked him if he’d make one of the dishes. He agreed.
Prodigy met us at a bodega on the Lower East Side where he whipped up
“Mom’s (and the Dread’s) Mac Salad,” a recipe he says was partly inspired by a
“Rastafarian dude” he met in lockup. P also chopped it up with us about the recent prison strike,
his sickle cell anemia, and the difficulty of eating right while incarcerated. “Another major reason
why I did this book,” says Prodigy, “was to shed some light on how bad the food is in prison.”
Published on 21 Oct 2016
YouTube: Mass Appweal
Views: 394,950
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